Check out our new online program!
We show busy moms of teen girls six keys to a new and better you—and her.
A self-paced program to help you transform your relationship from drama to joy
 Does it feel like she’s always pushing your buttons?
Open the door to a better mother-daughter relationship.

The journey begins with you.

Your world is breaking open and you feel like you’re pushed in a million directions.
Lost in the daily demands of mothering your tween or teen while your job, your spouse, your friends compete for your attention, with no energy left for yourself?
I give busy moms the breathing room, the permission, to create—and recreate—themselves. And gain valuable insights into how to nurture a new mother-daughter bond as
she blazes her own path to adulthood.
Rediscover the story of YOU
You know that moment where you stop, look at everything you’re juggling, all the family drama, and think, “My life could be a sitcom!” Well, that’s how stories like This Is Us, Blackish, and Modern Family actually got started. 
It’s also how my successful Edge of Yesterday teen time travel adventure series was born. When I was a carpooling mom, listening in on the backseat convos of my then tweens and their friends...

Author • Mentor • Coach

Since 2013, I have helped teens
discover and tell their stories.

Now, I want to give moms the
power to take back their stories.

Who this program is for?
The Six Keys program is designed for moms of tween and
teen girls, and is specifically geared towards Moms who saw their 
pre-teen turn seemingly overnight from:
•  Sweet to sullen
•  Loving to aloof
•  Cooperative to rebellious
During our time together, you’ll 
We help you unlock the story that keeps you from a loving and fun
relationship to transform your mindset to create a new story of YOU TWO

Join TMDC and breathe deep!

When you enroll in The Mother-Daughter Code, you’ll get free access to
Story of My Life: Journaling through Times of Change and Crisis


About Robin

I am author of the young adult science fiction book series, Edge of Yesterday. I’m also a mom of three, a science and education writer, a coach and mentor. 
I’m especially interested in the complex dynamics in mother/daughter relationships. 

Part of my fascination is driven by having grown up with a talented artist mother—who was also a narcissist.

I only gained breathing room to understand the ways this affected me once my kids were old enough . . .when I had the breathing room to see what was driving me to make the choices I made.
And part of that was from seeing the friction between me and my own daughter, especially in those teen years, where identity-seeking and separation are age-appropriate—and feel so threatening.

And so, The Mother-Daughter Code (TMDC) was born. We all feel how our world is breaking open—changing so fast it’s an effort just to keep up. I want to give busy moms the breathing room, the permission, to create—and recreate—themselves.

Through TMDC, we give women the tools to “re-story” their lives, along with a practical playbook, breathing space and the permission to cultivate their creativity and take back control of their own stories—and better connect with their daughters.